
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

World of Warcraft Addiction

For the longest time, well since 2008 – 2009 I’ve had a World of Warcraft addiction. It all started while I was in college studying Networking, when half the class would be talking about this game called WOW. Me being of a curious nature I went and bought a copy of World of Warcraft. At the time there was an expansion called Burning Crusade levels 60 – 70, but I just got the original that was levels 1 – 60. The great thing about WOW is you only have to buy the first one to start playing, and you get 30 days play time included. Like with most MMO’s there are heaps of patches, fortunately I checked my ISP servers to download the patches.

Well that’s the WOW part out the way time for the addiction bit. WOW is strangely addictive from the moment you start playing and hit level 2 you feel like you have accomplished something. Even before then you’re in this world which seems endless with possibilities. Exploration is another key aspect, the first time you look at the map it’s like Blizzard have created a whole world to explore, and they have 3 times. Every part of WOW is addictive apart from grinding, every quest was collect 10 of these’s or kill 5 of those. Also travelling was really bad until you got mounts earlier at level 20, but it used to be level 40. Anyway I’m getting off point here all of these points added to the experience of level and receiving better Armour and Weapons. I’m not even going to start on the end game stuff just yet let’s just keep it simple.

So where do I fit into this well once I started playing my addictive personality took over and become obsessed with WOW. I gave up my studying to concentrate on my WOW character pretty stuid hey, well that me lol. I wasted over a year of my life on a game playing WOW and had nothing to show for it. As with most addictions I had to hit rock bottom before I realised there was a problem. But like most people I rebounded into something great. Now I’m studying to become an accountant and have a few hobbies including learning C#, 3ds Max and writing this blog. I’m putting my addictive personality to work doing things that are productive. My advice to anyone struggling with WOW addiction you have to want to quit, set a creative task or studying something to take your mind off it. Don’t delete your WOW install I’ve done that twice and later been up late installing it again. Playing other games takes the edge of things Action RPG are the best something with a levelling mechanic. I’ve relapses a few time I’ve gone and bought a game card and played for a few days then got bored.

On a closing note I’m not a Blizzard hating person I happen to like most of their games I’m currently playing Starcraft and loving it. I wouldn’t recommend WOW to anyone but if you do decide to play take things in moderation.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Origins Story

Amiga 500
Hi my name is Grant this is my first blog it’s all about gaming and computer related things. I would class myself as a casual gamer, I’ve been gaming for a while now. My first games devise was an Amiga 500 it was the size of a 24 inch LCD TV. The only game I can remember playing on it was Dune 2, which was kind of like Command and Conquer. My friend and I used to play this game all the time, we would go round each other’s houses and play all day. It’s funny that computers and monitors back then would take up the entire desk.

Then we come to the Nintendo Generation I had the NES, SNES and the N64 with loads of games too many to mention. You could say I’m Nintendo fan boy, but it’s the console all my friends had and we used to swap cartridges. I do remember Golden Eye on the N64, a few friends stayed over one night and played multiplayer all night. It was my first taste of competitive multiplayer FPS action, this was before I had the internet.

Now we come to my first of many PC it was Packard Bell 120 MHz, 8 MB ram, and 1.2 GB HD which come with the usual 1 GB worth of pre installed crap. Being the complete noob at the time, after 50 windows reinstalls I found out DO NOT delete anything with .Windows or .System in the name. So I went round my mate’s house and he fixed it yay, I had about a gigs worth of space time for some quake/C@C. They both run well for what I can remember I also bought a 32 MB ram stick and some voodoo fx video. I remember playing quake online with my 28.8k modern and what seemed to be a million Fps pwning noobs left right and centre, or maybe I was getting pwned it’s a bit fuzzy.

I hope you enjoyed a bit of my past gaming history this is my first blog post EVER I don’t have a face book or even twitter account. I will be writing about some games I’ve been playing later in the week cyas all.